Errata For
Information Security Intelligence:
Cryptographic Principles & Applications
Despite the best efforts of the author, copy editor, and publisher, errors in a first edition text are common. This section of the website is intended to provide the reader with corrections to errors found in the book and on the CD. Information found on this page will be updated regularly. If you encounter what you believe is an error while reading Information Security Intelligence: Cryptographic Principles & Applications please notify us at ERRATA and we will look into it.
- page 5 “…to the following thirteen…” should be “…to the following fourteen…”
- page 14 figure 1-7 “non-reputation” should be “non-repudiation”
- page 55 “…show that the risk will then too high.” Should be “…show that the risk will then be too high.”
- Page 56 “…tcritical information failure…” should be “…(time) critical information failure…”
- Page 183 figure 5-1 cylander should be spelled cylinder.
- Page 234 Commutative law AvB
B^A should read AvB BvA
- on the back cover Upsilon Pi Upsilon should read Upsilon Pi Epsilon
- Page 239 the BBS PRNG Algorithm should read:
seed 0 = s 2 (mod n)
for i = 1 to 
seed i = seed i-1 2 (mod n)
next_bit = seed i (mod 2)
call create_rand(next_bit)
next i
- page 401 last sentence says "such down the network" and should read "shut down the network."
- on page 309 step 5 remove < i from the equation.
Proper credit will be given to all persons in upcomming editions of the text who find and report a legitimate error in text, figures, and on the CD.